Zambia Community Centres Project
In Zambia there’s a pressing need to provide a minimum of energy for poor families. Energy options are limited to...
Join Your Voice With Mine
In this day and age where headlines are filled with accounts of war, where centuries of hatred unleash atrocities beyond...
Let’s Reclaim the American Way
Where is the America that I once knew The land of our fathers, the place where I grew The beacon...

Solar power takes off in Kenya
In rural Kenya, where there is no electricity, solar systems have proven popular with small-scale businesses and farms, where it...
The 2% Solution
In 2007, the United States spent approximately $627 billion for its military operations including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,...

Do Something Now (Before It’s Too Late)
At the ends of the Earth, ancient glaciers disappear Its warmer there now than it’s been for thousands of years....
Rural Solar in South America Project
In South America, the widespread destruction of rainforest poses a huge threat to the planet, increasing the effects of climate...
The Freedom Car: Is It the Right Solution for America’s Energy Future?
“A simple chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen generates energy, which can be used to power a car producing only...

Falling In Love With Opera
When I first met my future wife, the person I was destined to spend the rest of my life loving,...

SELF Project: Bhutan
Deep in the heart of the Himalayas, Bhutan is the world’s sole surviving Buddhist Kingdom, and home to nearly 600,000...