Schneider Electric creates a €3 million socially responsible venture capital fund
Schneider Electric announces the creation of a global socially responsible venture capital fund called Schneider Electric Energy Access, with an...
World’s First Floating Wind Turbine Swtiches On
Written by Philip Proefrock on 09/21/09 The energy company Statoil has begun operation of the first full-size Hywind floating wind...
Large Scale C02 Sequestration Trial Begins at WV Coal Plant
NEW HAVEN, W.Va. — Poking out of the ground near the smokestacks of the Mountaineer power plant here are two...
Tiny Algae Loom Large in Biofuel Pilot Projects
The production of biofuels from algae gained new prominence this summer when ExxonMobil announced that it will invest up to...

Light Gives Students a Chance at Night School
Less than two percent of Liberia’s estimated two million rural dwellers have access to electricity. Most rely on candles or...
If Ever
If ever were a man whose life was blessed With a woman’s love through every season, Whose joy filled soul...

12 Companies Plan Establishment of the Desertec Industrial Initiative
Munich – 12 companies today signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Munich to establish a DESERTEC Industrial Initiative (DII). The...
The Developing Energy Enterprise Project
The Developing Energy Enterprise Project (DEEP) is an EU funded programme involving six of Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) International’s...
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord for giving me this baby in my arms, And thank You Lord for keeping her safe from...

Micro-Hydropower Plant Brings Electricity and Economic Growth to Dodarak Village
On April 6, electricity flowed for the first time in Dodarak village in Nangarhar Province. Supplied by a new 60...