Top StoryUS Government

Eco-Friendly SUV Gets a Hydrogen Mileage Boost

When researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) participated in a test drive for a hydrogen fuel cell SUV that reached the equivalent of a 431-mile driving range, it wasn't just California dream. The research team, along with Toyota, recently completed a 331 mile round trip drive between Torrance and San Diego, Calif., driving two Toyota Highlander Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles — Advanced (FCHV-adv).
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Dems End-Run Boycotting GOP, Vote 11-1 for Climate Bill

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Democrats quashed a three-day-long Republican boycott and passed global warming legislation today using a procedural move that could undermine support from moderate senators if the bill reaches the floor. Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and 10 Democrats signed off on the climate bill -- without considering amendments -- after trying without success to wait out Republicans.
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Business in a Box Program Provides Affordable Solar-Powered Products to Help Change Lives

In the developing world, 1.4 billion low-income people lack electricity. They turn to small kerosene lamps, which provide very little light, smell awful, lead to lung problems, cause burns and house fires and damage the environment. The other alternative is cheap batteries, which perform poorly and contaminate local water supply. Both options are very expensive; this demographic spends as much as 17% of income on power!