Solar Power Brings Light and Water to Ugandan Hospital
Lack of electricity is a core cause of malnutrition, starvation, illiteracy and extreme poverty around the world. Moreover, lack of...
Impacts of Climate Change Coming Faster and Sooner
The pace and scale of climate change may now be outstripping even the most sobering predictions of the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC). An analysis of the very latest, peer-reviewed science indicates that many predictions at the upper end of the IPCC's forecasts are becoming ever more likely.
Tiny Algae Loom Large in Biofuel Pilot Projects
The production of biofuels from algae gained new prominence this summer when ExxonMobil announced that it will invest up to...
Light Gives Students a Chance at Night School
Less than two percent of Liberia’s estimated two million rural dwellers have access to electricity. Most rely on candles or...
Micro-Hydropower Plant Brings Electricity and Economic Growth to Dodarak Village
On April 6, electricity flowed for the first time in Dodarak village in Nangarhar Province. Supplied by a new 60...
Sunnymoney Micro-Franchising Project
Sunnymoney is the name given to SolarAid’s innovative solar products. It gives small-scale solar entrepreneurs in Kenya the means to...
Solar for Children Project
The majority of Tanzania’s electricity supply is generated by hydropower. This is highly vulnerable to drought, which is occurring more...
Solar Rural Schools Project: South Africa
Building on their earlier success in South Africa, in 2008 the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) solar-electrified three schools in...
Zambia Community Centres Project
In Zambia there’s a pressing need to provide a minimum of energy for poor families. Energy options are limited to...
Rural Solar in South America Project
In South America, the widespread destruction of rainforest poses a huge threat to the planet, increasing the effects of climate...