Latin AmericaSELF

SELF’s Response to the Haiti Disaster

In response to the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince, SELF is accelerating their work to power health clinics in Haiti with their partner on the ground, Partners In Health (PIH). SELF and PIH have been working together since 2006 to bring solar power to PIH operations around the world. We have already provided solar electricity to Boucan Carre in Haiti, and have plans to solar electrify all 10 PIH sites in Haiti.
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World’s Largest Pellet Factory Planned in U.S.

RWE Innogy is to build a factory to produce biomass pellets in the southern part of the U.S. state of Georgia. The plant will have an annual production capacity of 750,000 tonnes, making it the biggest and most modern of its type in the world, the company says. Through this new plant, RWE will be able to secure a supply of biomass at stable and competitive prices. Due to the large surplus available, wood is much cheaper in the US than in Europe with its restricted wood land availability.